Lara Karadoğan

Based in Providence, RI until she moves to NYC in 2023. Graduating from the Brown | RISD dual degree program, with a BFA in Painting from RISD & AB in Modern Culture & Media from Brown.


Fundación Juan March Museum
Design & Curatorial Intern

Helped layout sections of the exhibition catalog for Genealogies of Art, or the History of Art as Visual Art. Developed a flexible identity system for over 150 public events including concerts, debates, lectures, and performances. designers, publishers, strategists, and curators. Worked in Madrid alongside designers and historians to research material for future exhibitions and experimented with all brand outputs including social media animations, posters, infographics, and other printed media.  Witnessed the deinstallation of past exhibitions, learning about the backend handling of work between major institutions. 
Madrid, Spain
June-July 2019